Serpie Planner - event reports

Leith Hill Half Marathon (09 Mar 2008)

This was the first running of the Leith Hill half marathon, an out-and-back route from Dorking to the top of Leith Hill and back. The race was organised by Trionium, who started it off in true eccentric style with a 'wife-carrying' race and then the singing of the national anthem.
The route started off with the ascent and descent of a short, sharp hill; after that it was basically uphill all the way to the top of Leith Hill on a variety of muddy and sandy tracks and trails, through woodland and beautiful open countryside. Once the top of the hill was reached,with stunning views across the south of England, it was a case of turning around and running back down. The sting in the tail was a nasty steep ascent of steps at about 12 miles, before a long downhill finish. Due to the challenging nature of the course, most people ran up to 25% slower than they would in a road half.
The race was very well-organised, with water and sweets every 3 miles or so, and a full English breakfast for everyone at the end. There was also a technical t-shirt and paperweight momento for all finishers.
For those who like their running off-road and on the hilly side, this race comes highly recommended.